The account you are about to read is the story of a mystic, a visionary, a suffering servant, a victim of Communism. It is the story of a nationalist, a rebel, a Catholic activist. It is the account of a man who spent much of his life behind bars because of his faith and evangelism. It is also the story of extraordinary events - allegedly supernatural events - that are said to have occurred in the Ukraine.
Josyp Terelya has fought for the cause of Christianity all his life and in the most hostile of circumstances. This is his autobiography. It details 20 years in prisons and camps. It is truly remarkable. We publish it, simply because we believe in it.
"Josyp Terelya is the stuff of Hollywood epics. Terelya's is an adventure story of classic proportions." Patrick F. Brennan, Sr., in Mission of the Immaculata
"Terelya is one of the lay leaders who has helped keep the Church alive through more than 40 years of persecution." The Boston Globe