This biography details the life of Maria Esperanza Medrano Bianchini, Now Servant of God.
Maria Esperanza and the Grace of Betania: God's plan for healing the family and society in the third millennium."
Father Timothy Byerley, author, reflects on the aspects of the life and work of Maria Esperanza. He presents to the reader the mystical gifts of our Servant of God: visions, revelations, gift of prophesy, stigmata, etc., and illustrates each case with specific examples. Likewise, he shows, from the perspective of the Church, how these phenomena must be understood within the context of its rich mystical tradition.
It is hoped that this masterpiece may be an opportunity for the reader to rediscover the value of family life and of the Catholic faith, as well as an invitation to hope in a world reconciled.
ails the life of Maria Esperanza Medrano Bianchini, Now Servant of