The Essential Advent and Christmas Handbook - Redemptorist Publication
This reader-friendly companion provides everything Catholics need for a richer experience of the Advent and Christmas seasons. Whether readers wish to follow a traditional, contemporary, or family program of devotion...
Powers and Dominions - DVD
Powers and Dominions - DVD
In all of God's creation we see such splendor and beauty, mystery and wonder. Within this creation there are beings with intellect and free will: humans and angels. From the...
The Sinner's Guide - Venerable Louis of Granada
A classic on virtue and how we find our way to Heaven -- this book was written by the favorite spiritual writer of St. John of the Cross and St....
The Supreme Vocation of Women - According to St. John Paul II - Melissa Makeski
St. John Paul II propelled the Church into a new era of fruitful contemplation about the dignity and value of women, often reiterating how women specifically as women reveal the...
Miracles of the Rosary & The Rosary of Miracles: Meditations with Applications, Stories & Apparitions - Fr. Edmond Kline
In Miracles of the Rosary & The Rosary of Miracles there are meditations for each mystery of the Holy Rosary. These meditations are especially helpful to our spiritual life. Specific applications after...
The Secret of Mary - St. Louis de Montfort
A short, famous classic on "true devotion to Mary"--an excellent, easy means of attaining holiness and salvation, a way followed by Popes and Saints, but also perfect for lay people....
New! The Occult Among Us: Exorcists and Former Occultists Expose the Nature of This Modern Evil - Charles D. Fraune
On the heels of the moral and spiritual collapse in the second half of the twentieth century, a new interest in spirituality has emerged and is overwhelming the world. However,...
Night Prayer: From the Liturgy of the Hours (Revised Edition)
This extract from the Liturgy of the Hours offers the last prayer of the day for each day of the week. Including hymns and psalmody, scripture readings and gospel canticles, this brief...
The Life of Catherine of Siena - Blessed Raymond of Capua
The classic on her life and accomplishments as recorded by her spiritual director, how she had incredible, mystical experiences as a youth and developed into a person so holy that...
The Incorruptibles - Joan Carroll Cruz
The stories of 102 canonized Saints and Blesseds whose bodies were found incorrupt long periods after their deaths, many of which endured abnormally adverse conditions while remaining intact. A fascinating...
Healing: Bringing the Gift of God's Mercy to the World - Mary Healy
"Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof; only say the word and my servant will be healed." - Matthew 8:8 When we, or a family...
Seeing Behind the Veil - 100 Invitations to Intimate Encounters with the Holy Spirit - ANA WERNER
Every day is a fresh invitation to step behind the veil and encounter the Holy Spirit in a new way! In this unique supernatural experience, seer, prophet, and missionary, Ana...
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