33 Days to Greater Glory: A Total Consecration to God the Father Through Jesus - Fr. Michael Gaitley
In this third installment of his 33-day consecration series, Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, has saved the best for last! 33 Days to Greater Glory stands as the culmination of a...
33 Days to Merciful Love - A Do-It-Yourself Retreat in Preparation for Divine Mercy Consecration - Fr. Michael Gaitley
Get your copy of 33 Days to Merciful Love, the stirring sequel to the international sensation, 33 Days to Morning Glory. Using the same 33-day preparation format, 33 Days to...
33 Days to Morning Glory - A Do-It-Yourself Spiritual Retreat by Fr. Michael Gaitley
Based on the inspiring life of St. Louis de Montfort and the personal journeys of Maximilian Kolbe, Mother Teresa, and St. John Paul II, integrating basics such as baptismal consecration...
40 Days at the Foot of the Cross: A Gaze of Love from the Heart of Our Blessed Mother -John Paul Thomas
What went through the mind and heart of our Blessed Mother as she stood faithfully by her Son in His last agony? As a loving mother, she would have pondered...
7 Lessons from Heaven: How Dying Taught Me to Live a Joy-Filled Life - Mary C. Neal, M.D.
Dr. Mary Neal’s unforgettable account of the Chilean kayaking accident that took her life and sent her on a journey to heaven and back riveted millions of readers. But as...
81 Days to St. Michael: An Assured Victory - Padresito Ricky
The 81 days to Saint Michael will not only help us in constant prayers and perseverance, but also keeps our minds focused on the anticipated achievement of our desires. The...
A Book of Advent and Christmas Prayers - William G. Storey
Our spiritual lives can easily suffer amid the chaos of the Christmas Season if we don’t take time to quiet our hearts and reflect on God becoming human. A Book of...
A Catholic Woman's Book of Prayers - Donna Marie O'Boyle
As an award-winning author, TV host of EWTN's "Everyday Blessings for Catholic Moms," "Catholic Mom's Cafe," and "Feeding Your Family's Soul," mother of five and grandmother, Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle is...
A Family Guide to Spiritual Warfare: Strategies for Healing and Deliverance - Kathleen Beckman
Demons wage war against families because families are vital to God's plan of salvation. This stark reality requires that your family members become well-trained spiritual warriors who actively secure your...
A Holy Life - St. Bernadette by Patrica A. McEachern
For the first time in English (edited by Dr. Patricia A. McEachern), the writings of St. Bernadette of Lourdes -- way beyond the basic facts of the famous apparitions into...
A Land Unknown: Hell's Dominion - B. W. Melvin
A Land Unknown is an astonishing true story of one man's incredible journey to Hell and back, truly, a must read for those curious about the near-death experience written from...
A Lenten Journey with Mother Mary - Fr. Edward Looney
Lenten Journey with Mother Mary invites you to walk with the world's model of faith and purity – the Virgin Mary herself – each day of your Lenten spiritual pilgrimage...
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