Showing 361 - 372 of 611 result

Revelation From Heaven - A True Account of Death And The Afterlife - Randy Kay


What was it like to be face to face with Jesus?What does Heaven look like?And what did Randy Kay learn from his afterlife encounter?As a human development researcher, medical advisor,...

Revelations: The Hidden Secret Messages and Prophecies of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Xavier Reyes-Ayral


From 1846 to the present day, the Vatican has maintained quite the same message brought forth from Heaven by different messengers across time and across vast distances and continents. This...

Rooted in Jesus: Healing Generational Defects - Patricia A. McLaughlin


Rooted in Jesus describes a comprehensive Christ-centered solution for insoluble family problems. Generational healing relies upon the Father's love and compassion, and the power of our Savior Jesus Christ to...

Rooting Out Hidden Faults - Fr. James F. McElhone


In his new book “Rooting Out Hidden Faults,” Fr. James F. McElhone arms readers with the most powerful weapon to beat habitual sin: the particular examen.A particular examen is centered in the...

Rosary for the Holy Souls in Purgatory - Susan Tassone


From the author of the bestselling booklets on praying for the deceased, now this potent little book on how to say a Scriptural Rosary for those who await entry into...

Sacred Heart Badge and Pardon Crucifix


  SACRED HEART BADGE Our Lord revealed to the Sacred Heart visionary, Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, His wish for her to order just such an image for veneration, The saint...

Sacred Heat Gems - Fr. Donald H. Calloway


The Marian Fathers and, more importantly, the magisterium of the Catholic Church teach that there is no contradiction or competition between the message of the Sacred Heart as revealed to...

Saint Joseph - A Man For All Seasons - Fr. Alfons Maria Weigl


Amazing stories, past and present, which will inspire you to look to St. Joseph for help and guidance in all situations! 124 pages, paperback

Saint Joseph - As Seen By the Mystics and Historians - Rosalie A. Turton


This book is a compilation of what has been written about Saint Joseph by leading mystics and historians. The dignity of Saint Joseph becomes obvious, to an even awesome degree,...

Saint Joseph: The Shining Splendor of Silence - Fernanda Moreira


A contemplative collection of 20 meditations on the life and example of St. Joseph, filled with stunning full color images that will prayerfully inspire you to follow in his footsteps....

Saint Michael and the Holy Angels - Rev. Eugene Soyer


First published in French in 1870, Saint Michael and the Holy Angels: Their Relations with the Visible World is Catholic priest Fr. Eugène Soyer’s comprehensive treatise on the angelic world, St. Michael’s...

Saints Who Battled Satan - Paul Thigpen


Satan is real. He’s a formidable foe who wants to snatch us away from God, and the thought of doing battle with him can seem daunting. Even so, the saints...
Showing 361 - 372 of 611 result
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