Showing 1 - 12 of 126 result

10 Wonders of the Rosary - Fr. Donald H. Calloway, MIC


Scroll below for full description:  Called "the New Testament on a string of beads," the Rosary is presented by famed Mariologist Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, in all its wonder: leading...

30 Days to Your New Life A Guide to Transforming Yourself from Head to Soul - Anthony DeStefano


Happiness. Everyone wants it, but not everyone has it — or knows how to get it. According to a recent Harris poll, only one in three Americans describes himself as...

7 Lessons from Heaven: How Dying Taught Me to Live a Joy-Filled Life - Mary C. Neal, M.D.


Dr. Mary Neal’s unforgettable account of the Chilean kayaking accident that took her life and sent her on a journey to heaven and back riveted millions of readers. But as...

A Holy Life - St. Bernadette by Patrica A. McEachern


For the first time in English (edited by Dr. Patricia A. McEachern), the writings of St. Bernadette of Lourdes -- way beyond the basic facts of the famous apparitions into...

A Life of Blessings - Michael H. Brown


Here, in a compilation of inspirational articles from Spirit Daily, written by Michael H. Brown, is advice on how to reach that goal: life lived for joy, instead of fear...

A Month with Mary by Don Dolindo Ruotolo


This little book, A Month with Mary, was written by a holy, Italian priest Father Dolindo Ruotolo (1882-1970). Originally written as spiritual thoughts to his spiritual daughter, the work is...

A Song In the Wind: A Near Death Experience - Sharon Milliman


Offered for discernment: In her groundbreaking book, Sharon Milliman shares her near-death experience and subsequent journey of spiritual growth. In sharing what lies beyond life after death, Sharon passionately speaks...

Abandonment to Divine Providence - Fr. J. P. Caussade


"Let go and let God." This popular phrase captures the essence of Father Jean-Pierre de Caussade's 18th century treatise on trust, Abandonment to Divine Providence.Do you doubt? Do you suffer?...

Angel Armies - Releasing the Warriors of Heaven - Tim Sheets


The world is curious about angels! Pop culture places great emphasis on these invisible beings, nearly idolizing them. But, have you ever wondered: What do angels do and how do their...

Angels All Around Us - Anthony DeStefano


A highly readable, fascinating look at the working of the 'invisible world' that surrounds all of us: angels, demons. Forces of light. Struggles with darkness -- using actual experiences as...

Angels, Miracles and Heavenly Encounters - James Stuart Bell


An amazing, inspiring collection of true and truly phenomenal accounts from those who in some way have had experiences with the supernatural, eyewitnesses to God's endless power even here in...

Beautiful Holiness: A Spiritual Journey with Blessed Conchita - Kathleen Beckman


This saintly Mexican wife and mother of nine children experienced a “mystical life...comparable to that of St. Teresa of Ávila,” according to Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa, preacher of the Papal Household....
Showing 1 - 12 of 126 result
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