What You Take to Heaven: Author of The Other Side, Brown delves deeply into the concept of the "life review"; how our lives are evaluated upon passing by the Lord and His angels, the way in which our time on earth is evaluated (judged), and the importance of fulfilling and discerning our individual missions. This fascinating, powerful book will leave no doubt about the unfathomable kindness and understanding of God; His Mercy; and the beyond-phenomenal splendor of the destination we know as Heaven. Culled from Church teaching, near-death experiences, saints, and other sources, including modern revelations. Autographed. (200 pg)
The Other Side: A faith-filled and journalistic look at what happens when we die -- including in-depth descriptions of death, the parting of the soul, 'judgment,' transition to the other side of the veil, and the various regions which at the highest reaches will astonish you with their splendor and light! Of all his books, one not to miss because no other could be as important! Actual testimonies from those who 'returned' and insights on preparing for the wondrous day we all can joyfully reach! Fresh information and real cases that lend to the sights and sounds and Light of Heaven! This is the bestselling book we have ever published. Autographed.