25 Ways to Crush the Serpent - Compiled from writings of Dom Scupoli, Fr. Bellarmine, St. Alphonsus Liguori
From the very first pages of Scripture, we see the presence of the evil one, working his malice to separate man from God. In imitation of Christ, we all must...
81 Days to St. Michael: An Assured Victory - Padresito Ricky
The 81 days to Saint Michael will not only help us in constant prayers and perseverance, but also keeps our minds focused on the anticipated achievement of our desires. The...
A Family Guide to Spiritual Warfare: Strategies for Healing and Deliverance - Kathleen Beckman
Demons wage war against families because families are vital to God's plan of salvation. This stark reality requires that your family members become well-trained spiritual warriors who actively secure your...
A Land Unknown: Hell's Dominion - B. W. Melvin
A Land Unknown is an astonishing true story of one man's incredible journey to Hell and back, truly, a must read for those curious about the near-death experience written from...
A Woman's Guide to Spiritual Warfare - Quin Sherrer & Ruthanne Garlock
Groundbreaking Spiritual Warfare Book for Women, Now Revised and UpdatedWomen everywhere face battles that threaten to overwhelm them.A friend's depression. A child's destructive choices. A neighbor's broken marriage. A husband's...
An Exorcist Explains the Demonic - Fr. Gabriele Amorth
From Fr. Gabriel Amorth, the renowned exorcist in Rome, comes this powerful, eye-opening book on the deadly antics of Satan and his fallen angels, as well as spiritual remedies for...
An Exorcist Prays - Mons. Milivoj Bolobanic
Recommended Prayers for Physical and Spiritual Healing and Deliverance by Msgr. Milivoj Bolobanic - Exorcist of the Archdiocese of Zadar, Croatia. A beautiful book loaded with prayers and guidance for...
An Exorcist Speaks - Msgr. Milivoj Bolobanic
A new concise insight into why possession occurs and what we must be on the alert for by the exorcist for the archdiocese of Zadar, Croatia: the family tree, emotional-spiritual...
An Exorcist Tells His Story - Rev. Gabriele Amorth
Rome's chief exorcist doing battle with Satan, allowing the reader to witness what an exorcist sees and does. This gripping story, a European best-seller, is the most thorough work available...
An Exorcist, More Stories - Rev. Gabriele Amorth
The official Rome exorcist and bestselling author of An Exorcist Tells His Story, returns with more examples of how demons manifest. Fr. Amorth, who has observed the case of a...
Anneliese Michel: A True Story of a Case of Demonic Possession - Fr. Jose Antonio Fortea And Lawrence E LeBlanc
On March 30, 1978, the trial began in the district court of Aschaffenburg Germany, of Josef and Anna Michel and Father Arnold Renz and Father Ernst Alt. The four were...
Antichrist and the End Times - Fr. Joseph Iannuzzi
Perhaps no Christian prophecy carries with it the drama and intrigue than that of the coming of the Antichrist, history’s quintessential demonic tyrant. His brief but terrible reign is to...
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