A Land Unknown: Hell's Dominion - B. W. Melvin
A Land Unknown is an astonishing true story of one man's incredible journey to Hell and back, truly, a must read for those curious about the near-death experience written from...
A Lenten Journey with Mother Mary - Fr. Edward Looney
Lenten Journey with Mother Mary invites you to walk with the world's model of faith and purity – the Virgin Mary herself – each day of your Lenten spiritual pilgrimage...
A Life of Blessings - Michael H. Brown
Here, in a compilation of inspirational articles from Spirit Daily, written by Michael H. Brown, is advice on how to reach that goal: life lived for joy, instead of fear...
A Life of Blessings and The God of Miracles - Michael H. Brown
A Life of Blessings:Â Here, in a compilation of inspirational articles from Spirit Daily, written by Michael H. Brown, is advice on how to reach that goal: life lived for...
A Month with Mary by Don Dolindo Ruotolo
This little book, A Month with Mary, was written by a holy, Italian priest Father Dolindo Ruotolo (1882-1970). Originally written as spiritual thoughts to his spiritual daughter, the work is...
A Novena of Holy Communions - Rev. Fr. Lawrence G. Lovasik, S.V.D.
A famous devotional booklet of nine consecutive Communion exercises. Each exercise consists of a novena prayer, an intimate talk with Our Lord, and a brief self-examination. Rich in doctrine; ideal...
A Scriptural Guide to the Saints - Fr. Herbert Burke
A Scriptural Guide to the Saints - Fr. Herbert Burke
Fr. Herbert Burke, scriptural foundations for Catholic spirituality, with chapters that include biblical guides to purgatory, dreams, nutrition, and chastity, plus 'signs of a saint' and practical guidelines for spiritual...
A Song In the Wind: A Near Death Experience - Sharon Milliman
Offered for discernment: In her groundbreaking book, Sharon Milliman shares her near-death experience and subsequent journey of spiritual growth. In sharing what lies beyond life after death, Sharon passionately speaks...
A Woman's Guide to Spiritual Warfare - Quin Sherrer & Ruthanne Garlock
Groundbreaking Spiritual Warfare Book for Women, Now Revised and UpdatedWomen everywhere face battles that threaten to overwhelm them.A friend's depression. A child's destructive choices. A neighbor's broken marriage. A husband's...
A Year With the Mystics - Kathryn Jean Lopez
A Year With the Mystics - Kathryn Jean Lopez
A Year with the Mystics is a tour, a retreat, and a love story in which God seeks you out. With the small commitment of a few minutes a day...
AA-1025: The Memoirs of a Communist's Infiltration in to the Church - Marie Carre
Absorbing and compelling reading from beginning to end, AA -1025 Memoirs of the Communist Infiltration Into the Church is a must read for every Catholic today and for all who...
Abandonment to Divine Providence - Fr. J. P. Caussade
"Let go and let God." This popular phrase captures the essence of Father Jean-Pierre de Caussade's 18th century treatise on trust, Abandonment to Divine Providence.Do you doubt? Do you suffer?...
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