Fascinating. Terrifying. Mystifying. You’ll find all that and more in Lying Wonders, Strangest Things. What are the most amazing things that have occurred in recent times on this planet we call earth? Is there an actual “twilight zone”? Are there real “x-files”? And might it be… a spiritual war cry? We live at a time of unprecedented supernatural phenomena.

In sixty-three short chapters -- each a new “wonder” -- this fast-paced, true-but-incredible, can't-put-it-down book is journey through some of the strangest -- and in some cases frightening -- phenomena around the world.

Amazing coincidences, unsolved puzzlements, all told in a can’t put-it-down style that will captivate the reader from the first to the last, allowing them to see the spiritual threads between what seem like disparate phenomena as Michael H. Brown, a former newsman nominated three times for the Pulitzer after his exposure of the Love Canal and other scandals, now a full-time spiritual writer, pieces together the most incredible testimonies he could find.


Was the United States founded in the name of Catholicism--and before Jamestown, before Plymouth Rock -- at a spot unknown to many where a Cross (the tallest in the world) now stands?

In his most powerful book about current events and the "prophetic pulse" since The Final Hour, a huge Catholic bestseller in 1992, Michael H. Brown takes the reader on a fast-paced tour through America's often hidden history, surveying everything from culture to politics to the credible apparitions of the Virgin Mary -- a perspective from George Washington to Donald J. Trump?

It is a sweep through the decades and centuries that lead up to this present hour -- and what is America's last chance to recover -- to reclaim -- its Christian and Catholic foundation.

"When we look at the signs around us, the division, the scent of uprising, the rumblings of war in a number of nations, the earthquakes along the 'ring of fire' that are now so common they don't even make the news -- we know that we are entering different and tumultuous times," comments the author. "Seers may not be able to spell it out precisely, but the prophetic pulse continues to materialize and those signs continue to rise around us."

It is time to act. We now have the opportunity. It is time to take back what the enemy has stolen. It is a final opportunity -- the current moment -- to recover the Christianity of a nation that has been torn asunder by the conflict between Gospel and anti-Gospel, between Christ and the spirit of anti-christ, between what is holy and secular humanism and an often occult-inspired culture that have sought to place the nation in the hands of a hidden global elite.

Will it -- will we -- do so, will we return to that Cross -- or do we face a moment of truth.

The God of Healing - Kindle

Can God heal anything? Are there really extraordinary miraculous cures? Spiritually and physically, can we prevent many of the diseases ravaging modern man?

These are some of the questions approached by bestselling Catholic author Michael H. Brown in this book covering the breadth of natural and spiritual healing -- how we can improve our health and well-being -- and often longevity -- through changes in lifestyle and spiritual outlook.

For when there is darkness inside, it is often reflected in sickness outside.

Can disorders be demonic? What about nutrition? What kind of spiritual approach is the most effective?

What are the changes must we make in our lives?

Read of those who have recovered almost Lazarus-like, of the man who was in a state of rigor mortis when a simple prayer brought him back, of those whose simple faith has rescued children and others from autism, paralysis, cancer.

This is a book of miracles. It is a book that follows what Scripture says about supernatural cures. It is a book that clearly and powerfully demonstrates that Jesus heals as much -- or more -- today than He did when He walked this earth.

Mental, physical, or spiritual: our health is important to God, and while there are cases of "redemptive" suffering or sacrifice, there are times in our lives when we bring poor health and disease upon ourselves, sicknesses that we often have the power -- with Jesus -- to cast out of our lives and live life with joy, fearlessness, and more abundantly!

What You Take to Heaven - Kindle

Author of The Other Side, Brown delves deeply into the concept of the "life review"; how our lives are evaluated upon passing by the Lord and His angels, the way in which our time on earth is evaluated (judged), and the importance of fulfilling and discerning our individual missions. This fascinating, powerful book will leave no doubt about the unfathomable kindness and understanding of God; His Mercy; and the beyond-phenomenal splendor of the destination we know as Heaven. Culled from Church teaching, near-death experiences, saints, and other sources, including modern revelations.

Fear of Fire - Kindle

Michael H. Brown, bestselling author of The Final Hour and The Other Side: a major work on prophecy based on recently approved apparitions as well as a mysterious private one that see events in the world soon reaching a 'crescendo,' as events in society as well as nature indicate truly transforming moments ahead -- events that will turn society as well as the very landscape around us into a very different place as the Lord moves now to prevent permanent damage to His Creation -- and to our souls! A tour de force that discusses everything from a new world order to natural upheavals that seem -- mysteriously -- to hint at coming fire.

A Life of Blessings - by Michael H. Brown

A Life of Blessings - Kindle

A book of inspiration, hope, and enlightenment by a bestselling author who has compiled and adapted the many popular articles he has written online for this little tour de force that covers a multitude of issues -- from healing and deliverance and joy and peace to preparing for death and the afterlife -- each chapter a little essay or article on how we pray best, how we purify, how with God there is always hope (an 'exit'), how we rid fear, obsession, attachment, what to do when we hit 'rock bottom,' and much more.

The Other Side - Kindle

A faith-filled and journalistic look at what happens when we die -- including in-depth descriptions of death, the parting of the soul, 'judgment,' transition to the other side of the veil, and the various regions which at the highest reaches will astonish you with their splendor and light! Of all his books, one not to miss because no other could be as important! Actual testimonies from those who 'returned' and insights on preparing for the wondrous day we all can joyfully reach! Fresh information and real cases that lend to the sights and sounds and Light of Heaven! Our bestseller!

Life Missions, Family Healing - by Michael H. Brown

Life Missions, Family Healings - Kindle

A booklet compilation, overview and close look at the growing claims that family lines can be plagued by problems caused by spirits that come down through the generations -- leading to illness, distress of many sorts, and inexplicable family tendencies! Yet something that a number of priests -- citing Scripture -- claim can be cast away through recognition of the problems, partaking of the sacraments, and diligent prayer. Included: extremely powerful prayer of deliverance, a family healing prayer, and blessing for salt.

The God of Miracles - Kindle

Michael H. Brown focuses on how God works in our lives, the miracles that are possible, the way we prepare ourselves to receive them, the route to holiness, with stunning examples of the miraculous and a deep sense of encouragement. Does God really heal? Does He really watch over your life? Does He really cause all those fateful happenings and triumphant moments and coincidences that mystify us? A book that will inspire you and bring you up from the "downs" of life and give you hope no matter how hopeless life can seem! This is one of our most popular ever.

Tower of Light - by Michael H. Brown

Tower of LIght - Kindle

His most powerful book since The Final Hour -- a book of huge coming events. Focusing on two prophecies since 1990, Brown shows how world events, effects in nature, evil in society, and bizarre creations of man -- from synthetics to genetic manipulation of humans themselves -- are bringing us to an incredible tipping point in human history, the brink of fantastic change, a struggle that will involve an anti-christ, Jesus, and a coming mysterious manifestation

The Spirits Around Us - Michael H. Brown

The Spirits Around Us - Kindle

A brand new book on the supernatural realities around us -- around every person. Read of current encounters on deathbeds, in hospitals, in everyday life, in 'haunted' settings that finally get a Catholic explanation (as even St. Augustine spoke of their effect, and saints like Padre Pio saw them). Demons, angels, spirits of the deceased, purgatorial souls, often affecting us in unseen, unsuspected ways and dispelled through deep prayer in the Name of Jesus when we know how to do so and approach them with Catholic faith, prayer, and love!

After Life - Kindle

What happens when we die? How are we judged? What's it like in Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory? Revelations, near-death accounts, and a reawakening to what life means! A hopeful book, a serious book, one that you and loved ones won't forget as you take a look at the final destination: eternity. Year after year one of the steadiest-selling book that we have ever carried, full of hope!

The Seven - by Michael H. Brown

The Seven - Kindle

A prophetic novel by Michael H Brown, in his first work of fiction, Brown pens the driving, suspenseful, and deeply spiritual story of a mysterious government property that harbors secrets relevant not only to a young cop who tries to investigate strange goings-on, but also to an equally mysterious and incredibly powerful old priest who joins forces with him to solve the mystery -- and try to prevent an end-times-like disaster!

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