St. John Paul II propelled the Church into a new era of fruitful contemplation about the dignity and value of women, often reiterating how women specifically as women reveal the image of God in the world. But his final contribution to that topic may be his most profound. Just months before he passed into eternity, he summed up his decades of teaching on the topic: To you, women, falls the task of being sentinels of the Invisible!
You'll come to learn:
You'll come to learn:
- How women, specifically as women, reveal the image of God in the world
- The full truth about the vital place of womanhood in the Church and in the world
- Sentinels of the Invisible: what the phrase means and why it's so important
- How womanhood as a supreme vocation is part of every personal vocation
- Why the devil has a special fear of womanhood and a particular hatred of women
- Why the devil always seeks to promote an imbalance of power between the sexes How modern notions of sexuality and gender pervert God's image and His plan for creation
- How marriage and religious life empower women rather than oppress them
- Why St. John Paul II called women Guardians of the Gospel Message
- And much more, in our confused times, to show forth for you the supreme vocation of women !