An approved Marian apparition in the United States: The following lines were penned by a religious Sister [Sr. Mildred Mary Neuzil] from her cloister cell... About 1938 she began to have what seemed like mystical experiences... After some years she began to write down briefly the happenings during these occasions of special communication with God [and the Blessed Mother]... in 1948...she set down in writing this Message of Mary, who presents herself here as Our Lady of America. (Canonical approval-Most Reverend Cardinal Raymond L. Burke, D.D., J.C.D., Archbishop of St. Louis, MO.)Given to Sister Mildred Mary Neuzil of Fostoria, Ohio, these astonishing messages, always revealing new aspects, call on America to lead the world back to God -- or face "hitherto unknown" consequences. You'll also see the warnings that America protect its youth and also the nation's purity. You'll see warnings to priests and religious!
The messages, which she received from Our Lord, Our Lady, St. Joseph, St. Michael, and St. Gabriel were in total conformity with Catholic doctrine and morals, emphasizing “penance, penance” and spiritual renewal. And – what is also a criterion for the authenticity of Marian apparitions in this day and age – the messages complemented those of Fatima in their prophetic content, chasteness, gravity, maternal solicitude, and conditional hopfulness. The words speak for themselves.
The messages, which she received from Our Lord, Our Lady, St. Joseph, St. Michael, and St. Gabriel were in total conformity with Catholic doctrine and morals, emphasizing “penance, penance” and spiritual renewal. And – what is also a criterion for the authenticity of Marian apparitions in this day and age – the messages complemented those of Fatima in their prophetic content, chasteness, gravity, maternal solicitude, and conditional hopfulness. The words speak for themselves.