Depression can strike anyone-even those of us who are deeply committed to living the Christian life. In these dark times, we often feel abandoned, alone, isolated, misunderstood, and hopeless. Especially in today's chaotic world, there are new distressing realities that weigh upon us: war, economic instability, terrorism, natural disasters...all of which make our sense of security so fragile. And as Christians, such experiences can be accompanied by a great sense of anguish and fear. As someone who has personally struggled with depression, Sr. Kathryn understands these feelings all too well. But as someone who has overcome the illness, she knows that surviving depression and attaining happiness is possible. For over a decade, Surviving Depression has helped thousands of readers find a reassuring approach to living through depression. By drawing upon the strength inherent in the Catholic tradition and discussing the biological, psychological, environmental, and genetic components of the illness, this companion offers a holistic understanding of depression-for the depressed, their family members and friends, and those who counsel or care for them. This 10th Anniversary "Updated and Expanded Edition" features contemporary world developments and an entirely new practical guide entitled "8 Steps to Inner Peace." Each chapter is framed by a question or thought relevant to the experience of depression and contains:
-Personal anecdotes
-Vignettes of depressed individuals, including saints and cultural figures
-Relevant Biblical passages
-Spiritual exercises
-Tips for the depressed
-Advice for family and friends
-Prayer suggestions