This prayer booklet contains the very old and blessed novena to Our Lady of Good Success with beautiful daily meditations written for the cloistered Sisters in the Quito Conceptionist Convent. It was adapted for men and women in the world so they can have recourse to Our Lady of Good Success through this beautiful nine-day prayer. The Prologue by Fr. Jose M. Urrate tells the story of the origin of this devotion in Spain, and its prodigious development in Ecuador. Includes many other prayers to Our Lady of Good Success, a short version of the novena and the canonization prayer for Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres. A handy booklet that fits in purse or pocket.An old and blessed novena with daily meditations written for the sisters in the Quito convent. Includes many other prayers to Our Lady of Good Success. 52 pp.
This apparition has been approved by the Church and Mother Mariana has been declared Venerable in the first step to towards her canonization.