Showing 13 - 24 of 24 result

OCTOBER SPECIAL! The Queen's Triumph and The Original Pieta Prayer Book


The Queen's Triumph The Queen's Triumph - Family Healing Prayer Book,  has been written to teach people how to pray, and how to approach prayer with an intentional understanding of our relationship...

OCTOBER SPECIAL! A Life of Blessings - Michael H. Brown and Physical Healing and Deliverance - Frank Hammond


A Life of Blessings Here, in a compilation of inspirational articles from Spirit Daily, written by Michael H. Brown, is advice on how to reach that goal: life lived for...

OCTOBER SPECIAL! Future Events - Michael H. Brown and Our Lady of Kibeho - Immaculee Ilibagiza


Future Events  IN THIS EXPLOSIVE NEW BOOK ON THE FUTURE, Michael H. Brownsurveys the prophetic landscape and puts recent predictions in the contextof current and past events, especially a little-known...

Seven Days with Mary and The God of Miracles - Michael H. Brown


Seven Days with Mary: A week of devotions to special sites that involved the Virgin Mary. Special prayer and histories of historic and hidden apparitions and visions! Photos. Journey to remote...

SPECIAL PRICE - BOTH FOR $17.00! What You Take to Heaven and The Other Side - Michael H. Brown


What You Take to Heaven: Author of The Other Side, Brown delves deeply into the concept of the "life review"; how our lives are evaluated upon passing by the Lord and His...



Tower of Light: His most powerful book since The Final Hour -- a book of huge coming events. Focusing on two prophecies since 1990, Brown shows how world events, effects...

Special! On the Brink and Mystery of the Shemitah - Fr. Joseph Esper/ Jonathan Cahn


 On the Brink: On the Brink, America and the Coming Divine Judgement, Rev. Joseph Esper lays out a strong case that America will soon experience a powerful and historic manifestation or Divine...

SPECIAL: An Exorcist Explains the Demonic and An Army in Heaven - Fr. Gabriele Amorth; Kelley Jankowski


 An Exorcist Explains the Demonic:  From Fr. Gabriel Amorth, the renowned exorcist in Rome, comes this powerful, eye-opening book on the deadly antics of Satan and his fallen angels, as...

The God of Miracles and The Other Side - Michael H. Brown


The God of Miracles: Michael H. Brown focuses on how God works in our lives, the miracles that are possible, the way we prepare ourselves to receive them, the route to...
Showing 13 - 24 of 24 result
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