Recommended Prayers for Physical and Spiritual Healing and Deliverance by Msgr. Milivoj Bolobanic - Exorcist of the Archdiocese of Zadar, Croatia. A beautiful book loaded with prayers and guidance for spiritual health. These prayers are taken from the back third of the book: An Exorcist Speaks.
Included are prayers to the Holy Trinity, the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Joseph, the Angels and Archangels, the Saints, as well as Spiritual Warfare, Healing and Consecration prayers.
"The prayers chosen for this book are very useful. Let us not forget that the foundation of everything and, in fact, the most effective prevention against the snares of the evil one, is to live continuously in the grace of God, in prayer, and to participate in the Mass and to receive the sacraments. It is always good to keep in mind Jesus' words, "signs [like these] will accompany those who have professed their faith; they will use my name to expel demons," (Mk. 16:17) According to these words we can all pray prayers of deliverance which, if prayed with faith, have the power of complete deliverance from the influence of the evil on and evil actions." - Don Gabriele Amorth, Exorcist of the Diocese of Rome, Founder of the International Association of Exorcists