The 81 days to Saint Michael will not only help us in constant prayers and perseverance, but also keeps our minds focused on the anticipated achievement of our desires.
The method used is visual and emotional, filled with faith, hope and voluntary detachment. This prayer has the ability to reduce the enemy at its weakest expression in its attacks and makes him fearful. I have been using this method without even knowing since 1987 when I was praying for deliverance or ministering exorcism as a priest, and also in my personal prayer. An attitude, a way of doing, a way of being that leads purposefully to miracles.
This book will show you how to without much effort if it's your desire. This journey with Saint Michael is not a magic tool for those who doubt, but a powerful and useful tool that lead to miracle or an every day's faith practice life . You will become what you have practiced. 119 pages, paperback