Prayers for use by the laity in waging spiritual warfare from the public domain and the Church's treasury! "Highly recommended book for families struggling with generational spiritual problems, as Father gives a good explanation of the devotion to Our Lady of Sorrows in the introduction. She can give graces to reveal the roots to these problems, since Her Heart was pierced so that ours would be exposed. I also love the litanies and devotional prayer section which includes prayers to St. Michael, Our Lady, the Precious Blood devotion, etc. These are becoming a daily part of my prayer life, along with the Breastplate of St. Patrick prayer. I am so thankful the prayers are in English with the Latin beside them, the holy official prayer language of the Church. With this book I have had more graces to partake of the Sacrament of Confession and grow closer to the Sacred Heart of Christ." five stars! 134 pages. Imprimatur from Archdiocese of Denver