The original temptation of Adam and Eve is often depicted as a trivial thing, with our first parents gaining more than they had lost - the ability to choose for themselves good and evil. In this book Father Cliff Ermatinger shows us how what was lost, was far more precious than realized, what was acquired far more reaching in its damage than suspected, and the lengths that God would undergo to restore His lost creation more majestic than imaginable.
The reader is enjoined to come along on an examination of everything that brought humanity to this point in time: from a tree in the garden long ago, mankind's tendencies towards superstition and turning to gods that cannot save, to the modern shaman in the corner shop that goes by other names: Tarot reader, Yoga guru, Healer, Social Engineering Overlord. In the end, it is all the trouble with magic.
But this is not the end, for, as Father Ermatinger lays out, God's ways are not our ways, and He will make straight that which we have broken while bringing the broken human person beyond the lost Eden into perfect communion with Himself. 208 pages, paperback
Fr. Ermatinger , Ph L, STL, works full time as a spiritual consultant for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee.