Truth is stranger than fiction! This book contains accounts of real Catholic exorcisms. Many of these exorcism were made into movies, but even Hollywood with all its special effects and spinning heads couldn’t recreate the true horror experienced by these possessed children.
These true stories of exorcisms are meant to inoculate you against the tricks and traps of evil. It is highly recommended that you read the Pray of St. Michael the Archangel (provided) before embarking on these accounts.
The real life accounts of possession that inspired The Exorcist movies and The Exorcism of Emily Rose are described in detail by the original eyewitnesses:
- The exorcism of Anneliese Michel, the heroic real-world Emily Rose
- Brandings and hideous faces appeared on the skin of “Roland Doe,” whose exorcism inspired The Exorcist novel and movies
- The exorcism of Emma Schmidt, whose ridiculous outpouring of sludge inspired the infamous vomiting of The Exorcist
- And more, including the original texts of “Begone, Satan!” and the historic exorcism of Vervins, France
Beware! A common thread runs through all these stories. The evil unleashed in these possessions resulted from encounters with witchcraft, curses, and Ouija boards. Avoid these like your life and soul depends on it, because they do!
The proof is overwhelming! Possession and exorcism, as well as the devil, are real. Become sober, vigilant, and informed by reading this book. 158 pages, paperback
Nothing here is exaggerated or distorted to make it more commercially noticed or desired; it is full of facts. And that is exactly what I respect!