Let the Holy Spirit lead you to the Living Water that feeds our well of faith.
When asked about his spiritual gifts of healing, bilocation, prophecy, and stigmata, Padre Pio replied, “You know, they are a mystery to me, too.” While you might think he is just being modest, he is actually getting at the heart of how the Holy Spirit works in every Christian’s life. We can’t fully understand why God gives us certain gifts, but as we walk with Christ, we can engage with this mystery and journey towards holiness.
In Welcoming the Holy Spirit with Padre Pio, Susan De Bartoli shares stories and wisdom from the life of this humble monk to show how we can use our unique spiritual gifts to love others and draw from the well of faith to encounter Christ in profound ways.
Following the success of her Advent devotional, Welcoming the Christ Child with Padre Pio, Susan De Bartoli invites you to explore Padre Pio’s relationship with the third member of the Blessed Trinity, the Holy Spirit, who is the source of all spiritual gifts.
160 pages, paperback