Highly Recommended!
Awaken to the sound of God's voice and take up the journey to a rich and full life. How can I open myself to awareness? What if I have encountered God in some profound way? Which experiences are from God and which are of my own making? Are there right and wrong ways to pray? What about my ordinary life in the everyday world?
"Mystics are not part of a small elite society.... Rather, they are people who have come to experience the intense, personal desire God has to share himself with us." In this lively guide, Steven Rossetti reminds us that becoming a mystic is not a matter of learning some "mystical secret," but of entering into the divine simplicity of God's unbounded and unrestrained love. This invitation is for all of us.
In a series of practical, readable chapters, Rossetti addresses the many questions and concerns that arise on the path to deeper prayer. He draws carefully from the wisdom of scripture and uses his broad knowledge of mystical writers, from the Desert Fathers to Therese of Lisieux, to guide us on a road we may never have expected to take. Writing from his own experience of prayer and from his expertise as a spiritual director and therapist, he helps us arrive at a deeper understanding of ourselves as wounded and sinful people who are nevertheless caught up in the transforming love of God. 177 pages, paperback