In this book on spiritual warfare, acclaimed author and radio host Jesse Romero emphasizes the importance of prayer in facing our modern crises, especially for men who are the heads of their households.
He reminds us that the faculty of prayer is both a gift and a protective weapon from God. Far from a passive routine, it is an intrepid action in which we directly encounter the divine and drive away the diabolic.
Romero identifies the different types of prayer — liturgical, adoration, petition, intercession, thanksgiving, and praise — and demonstrates from Scripture and Tradition that prayer is also a weapon. This idea is unfamiliar to most Catholics, especially Catholic men.
Drawing from Scripture, the Catechism, the lives of the saints, and his own experiences in spiritual warfare and the pro-life movement, Romero provides riveting examples of the power of prayer to advance the Kingdom of Heaven even on this earth. He reminds Catholics of the duties bestowed upon us at our Confirmations: to become joyful soldiers for Christ and to pray without ceasing (1 Thess. 5:17). 224 pages, Hardcover
Editorial Reviews:
“The times we live in are evil. Everywhere you look, it seems as if darkness is winning. But God has a plan. He is raising up spiritual warriors and prayerful soldiers ready to conquer and eradicate the heresies and falsehoods plaguing souls and nations. Prayer as a Weapon will help you become such a warrior. Read this book, leave fear behind, and become the dragon slayer God wants you to be. Viva Cristo Rey!”
Fr. Donald Calloway, M.I.C., Author, Consecration to St. Joseph